Reflection and paraphrasing can help clarify what people are trying to communicate. This technique can help avoid misunderstandings and help people understand the underlying issues.

The non-essential path is characterized by saying I have to instead of I choose to. Surrendering our power to choose gives others permission to choose for us, leading to either complete surrender or accepting every opportunity without considering the best option.

When faced with difficult situations, take a minute to pause and recognize your emotional experiences. By doing this, we can see what desires and fears are motivating us and make a conscious choice in response.

Recognize when negative self-talk is hurting you and replace it with something more compassionate. Negative thoughts are often just fears and can be challenged with evidence.

Mindfulness is a mental exercise that promotes awareness by focusing on one's inner thoughts and immediate environment. Practicing mindfulness helps you to appreciate the present moment and change negative habits.

Maximizing leisure time can be as simple as going for a mindful walk in nature. This practice involves focusing on your surroundings and taking in the present moment. Research shows that walking in nature can lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

Empathetic listening involves giving others the time and space to express their emotions while trying to understand and feel what they feel. Rather than offering advice or reassurance, ask questions about their needs, feelings, and requests.

Identify the most important parts of your day and communicate your need to be undisturbed during those times. To manage email overload, sort emails into two piles and only respond to those requiring immediate attention, then timebox a weekly slot to deal with the rest.

Multitasking on our devices has decreased our ability to fully focus on communication, leading to a lack of understanding and empathy. To build connections and increase empathy, it's important to use technology with care and consideration.

Our overloaded lives make it difficult to identify priorities, hindering productivity. Essentialism's main focus is doing less, but doing it better. Rejecting the idea of accomplishing everything, essentialism emphasizes making strides in specific directions.

When negative thoughts arise, it's important to become curious instead of immediately concerned and seeking evidence to support those thoughts. Adopting a compassionate stance toward oneself, instead of self-criticism, is beneficial.

To have a happy life, we need a mix of relationships in our inner, middle, and outer circles. Even small connections with strangers, like trusting someone to watch belongings in a cafe, can have positive effects.

Overcoming imposter syndrome involves recognizing flawed self-perception and creating a list of accomplishments to counter negative beliefs. This technique helps dispel false beliefs and correct confirmation bias.

In order to achieve your biggest goals, it's important to say no to lower-priority requests. You can try offering alternative solutions or implementing strategies to cut down on requests, but ultimately, you must be prepared to say no to unimportant tasks.

Balancing work with leisure time is crucial for good mental health and productivity. Disconnecting from technology, spending time in nature, and cultivating solitude are effective ways to achieve this.

To optimize your energy levels, you should conduct an energy audit by tracking your energy levels over a week and keeping a diary of activities that drain or energize you. This can help you identify the triggers and find balance.

Overcoming imposter syndrome requires support from others and speaking your truth. Share your experience with someone you trust and acknowledge your skills and achievements. Make a list of your talents and refer to it whenever you need a reminder.

Our language can sometimes harm our relationships. Moralistic judgments, such as insults and criticism, contribute to this type of communication. Using compassionate language can bridge differences and prevent alienation.

When making a to-do list, prioritize tasks based on their impact using the Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.

Instead of trying to be perfect, focus on a few key areas and accept your limitations. Diligence is a healthier path to success.

Multitasking is often misunderstood as doing multiple tasks at the same time, but it actually refers to task switching. This incurs a time penalty, particularly with complex tasks. To be more efficient, focus on one task at a time.

It's common to be harsh on yourself, but being your own worst critic can hold you back. Instead, try to be kind to yourself and have faith in your abilities.

When you greet your emotions with unconditional friendliness, you increase self-compassion and accept yourself, even when failing.

Recognize the signs that you need a break, such as hating your job, poor performance, or a desire to explore new opportunities. Taking a pause allows for reflection and planning changes towards a better, more authentic life.

To avoid distraction, it's important to have a plan and timebox your schedule. Start by planning quality time for yourself, followed by time for relationships, and then work. Set specific time slots for completing tasks and share your plan with colleagues to avoid distractions.

To overcome imposter syndrome, you must change the negative story in your head. To do this, you need to understand your imposter origin stories, which often stems from childhood and family dynamics. Identify these stories and how they affected you.

Recognize your own needs and understand that another person's actions are not the cause of your feelings. When someone says something that triggers a negative reaction, observe the speaker's feelings and needs and address the underlying conflict.

Distractions in the workplace come in many forms, such as pointless meetings and constant messaging. To fix this, require detailed agendas for meetings to prevent unnecessary gatherings, and set aside specific times of the day to catch up on messages.

The morning can be stressful, but practicing gratitude and meditation can help. Instead of focusing on your to-do list, take a moment to think about what you’re thankful for. This will boost your productivity and put you in a better mood.

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Hey there, I'm PB Josiah and I run Makesquare, my freelance design practice where I work with founders to design growth-driven digital products.

I've been through the grueling process of building a startup myself, and I know firsthand just how challenging it can be. Not only is it hard work, but it can also take a toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

That's why I've curated these resources to help other founders navigate their own emotional journeys and build the resilience they need to succeed.

So take a look around and see what resonates with you. I hope you'll find something here that helps you on your own journey.

And if you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to get in touch. You can send an email to, follow on Substack, or suggest a resource.